Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Denial is not a river in egypt!

I felt i had to write this post to get something off my chest.

most people think that if you dont pay attention to something or just ignore it for as long as you possibly can it has no effect on you.

many of us believe that if we try to escape to some foreign suburb that we wont be affected by the plights of the inner city.

or we believe that its right to just cut off communication with someone even when we still want to talk to them.

we put ourselves through a lot of unnecessary stress trying to escape from and deny that things and feelings exist when they do.

sometimes we are able to find all types of elaborate ways of distracting ourselves from reality but in actuality that thing that you are trying to escape from has influenced your life more than you know.

lets say you met somebody at a place you love dearly.

it didnt work out and you completely want to ignore them.

you dont want to go to the same place you met them at because you dont want to bump into them

this means you have to change your whole life to avoid running into that person

so you arent really ignoring them, you are giving this person too much power (more power than they actually desreve)

aint nobody stoping me from going where i want to go.

i dont get down like that

now of course if somebody fades out of your life naturally because you are moving in a whole nother direection than ok it just happens

i go to sites all the time, "i dont want to talk to them but i dont want to make it seem as if im trying to talk to them, i dont want to initiate contact, or im a G, im trying to avoid them to prove how strong i am.

you are a fool lol

you are stressing yourself out unecessary

just call them or email them if you really want to that bad

i got caught up in that and i wound up feeling dumb because i wasted so much time because of pride (not going beneath your standards)

who created your standards

how did you come to believe what you now think is the right way to go.

always question why you have accepted a belief and measure it against reality.

if its driving you insane then maybe you might need to drop that value

theres nothing wrong with changing a belief if it no longer suits you.

you are going to waist a lot of time and energy if you dont come to terms with how you really feel.

sometimes it's good to distract yourself from doing something that you might regret

thats not always the answer though

and when you finally face that reality that you have been trying to avoid, you will thank God that you had the courage to do it.

get out of old comfort zones.

the more experiences you have the more able you will be to cope more effectively with the challenges in life.


Anonymous said...

Really interesting post... mehn, sometimes we think that if we live in denial long enough, everything we deny ourselves becomes less important

Just_Wondering said...

I think a lot of people avoid things in their lives because they don't have to attend to the hurt/pain that they would feel. It seems to feel so much better to just make it seem like everything is ok. Many of us don't see challenges as something that can potentially make you stronger. Change is also something that makes people run for the hills.

I've done the Make it seem like everything is ok to avoid controvesy. It ended up badly and I learned a lot from the situation.

I just try to take one thing at a time and I believe that my life has already been planned out by God so if he wants me moving around, switching things up then so be it lol As long as He's coming along for the ride with me.

M. Akamau said...

Dear one,
There is so much going on in your post, I hardly know where to begin...I feel like I'm trying to follow you, but I'm getting lost in the layers!

But I will say this: I think being honest with yourself about where you stand emotionally/mentally is a good thing. Call a spade a spade. It is what it is. Then decide the direction you want to go, the direction you SHOULD go, or some such course of action. Sometimes we have to change our lives a bit in order to accomodate the various situations that arise in life. At the same time, let me say it's not always good to diss a value just cuz it doesn't suit you anymore. True values --- ones that speak to your heart and mind, ones that you've developed through wisdom and integrity and goodness --- those aren't values you can just toss to the wind just because you don't feel it 'suits' you anymore. Rather, imho, I think we should line the world --- our view of the world -- we should line that up with our belief and value system. If they don't line up, maybe it's those situations or people that may have to take a hike --- not your values. Do you feel me? But again, I don't know of the situation, so I can't speak to it specifically, but I'm glad that you verbalized it all and got it off your chest. And yes, it's nice to see you posting again.:)

The Activist said...

I have a saying " time heals only TREATED wounds" if it's untreated it will get sore and it will get very bad

James Tubman said...

@talesandtallies... thanx for stopping by sweatheart

i think denying reality never works

you have to eventually deal with it

so why not deal with it right at the time

get rid of it then move on to something else

i think the problem is a lot of people dont know how to deal with their feelings

@justwondering... it really was a pleasant surprise to your see a comment by you this morning

i hope you are doing well my sweet

it makes it seem as if its okay in the begining

but after a while it might become annoying and its best to deal with it and get it over with

you dont always have to initiate xcontact with the person

sometimes you can just go over in your mind what you would say to the person if you were talking to them

john gray, the men are from mars guy, developed a method where you write a letter to express how you feel

you write it as if you were talking to them but you dont intend for them to recieve it

you express how truly angery you are

then how sad you are

then how hurt you are

then you forgive that person (i'll be doing a blog post about it soon in the solution)

stay tuned

@momma mu...

i like it when you get fired up lol

please continue to express yourself

i LOVE your words :)

i think i was over generalizing a little

i agree that being honest with yourself is a good thing

a great thing

and it is the only way you will ever get over that particular problem

you dont necessarily have to intiate contact with the person

sometimes its not productive for you or the other person

i just think that wasting time racking your brain trying to withold yourself from contacting with somebody because of foolish pride or whatever is counterproductive to a person psychologically, emotionaly and in somecases physically

when we dont deal with certain feelings we have then we turn to addictions to relieve the anxiety and tension we are suffering from

(this is why many of us abuse drugs and over eat)

repression always leads to other problems

even if you dont intitae contact you should find someway to eliminate that tension the comes with the relationship once and for all

@standtall... i agree

i love your analogy too because to a degree that is what a break in a deep relationship is

an wound, a loss of some sort

that needs toheal and the best way to do it is to face it frontally and not deny the fact that you might still have feelings for someone

Strongblkwmn said...

I think denial is comforting if you don't want to face others, and sometimes yourself. When a problem arises, it's easier to just act like it doesn't bother you. I've definitely been guilty of that. The problem is, the things that you don't face add up and the next thing you know you're stressed out and overwhelmed.

James Tubman said...

i agree with that black woman

denial is inevitable of course

you cant face evrything frontally

you always have to pick your battles

and you shouldnt always succumb to your desires either

i think the best thing to do is pray and say the affirmation

"i can do all things through (whatever god you serve) who strengthens me"

there is no other better affirmation in the world

thank you for stopping by

The Activist said...


lulu said...

i avoid stuff i cant deal with for some time then gradually get to face it... takes time, guts...etc but i do coz i never move from where am at till am done dealing with it... its no other way for me... so am stuck till its over.... and
thanks for the compliment tubman, :)

Buttercup said...

Wow..food for thought right there..

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