Sunday, October 12, 2008

Please God Help Me Please! Whats The Best Way To Counter The Dreaded Infestation Of Procrastination!

Im having a hard time with something.

Im writing this manual on how to cure yourself of all types of "incurable" disaeases.

Im basically giving a people a program on how they can heal themselves of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, obesity and whole host of other illneses.

Many people when they want to sell something put an ad in the paper or advertise on the radio or pass out flyers and business cards.

Im going to pass out flyers becasue i know flyers work if you pass out enough.

This is a big feat because i have to make two sales letters, one to upsell them on theinformation product another to post on the internet.

it's a lot of work because im putting in there all i have learned in natural healing from mentors and books, lectures workshops etc.

i wanna do it now because the sooner i start the faster i start making money and healing people.

how do you handle procrastination when you know you have to do something important.

my problem is i am easily distracted.

sometimes its hard forme to stay focused on something longer than 5 minutes (which is sad because i know the cure to ADHD lol)

Please Help Me Somebody

What Should I Do To Counter This!


Obama Mama said...

sounds like you need to take that cure for ADD and start But other than that I can't help you, I have the same problem. But to my own defense I do produce my best work under pressure. lol.

James Tubman said...

thanx mama

that actually is a good technique though

act like you are under the gun so you can have more motivation to get it done

M. Akamau said...

The hardest part is just getting started; once you've begun (in even some small way!), the next steps will be easier. So, once you've started, you've got the most intimidating part out of the way. How about sitting down and just writing out the table of contents? That's something you can do in an evening, and it will be motivation for you to go on. Remember --- what you have is a gift you want to share. No one is getting any better if you don't share the information! Put your head where your heart is. Make doing this in a timely fashion less about you and more about others (they need the info that you have!). Hope I've helped. I'm married to a procrastinator who is easily distracted, so I feel your pain. :)


the antipop said...

I do not know any things that can cure procrastination...maybe you should look in to writing a manual for that too.:D
Anyway, i just know that it is a huge prob for many of us and no amount of self help books is gonna make a difference on that front i am afraid. the truth is it comes and goes as it pleases. But some day, one day, something will happen when you will want to grasp and not waste any moment of your waking day. there is no knowing for sure what that is but it happens...i am not making sense even to myself. dammit!
anyway, good luck with your projects Tub...

Princess K's thoughts of the day..... said...

Wow....good question..we are kindred spirits in regards to this. I just finished listening to "A New Earth" on CD because I kept putting off finishing the actual book. I owe the libray five dollars because I kept forgetting/putting off returning the CD's. ADHD & Procrastination- co-morbid disorders! One point the book made was highly appropoe in this regard, inspiration comes and it goes. When it comes, it will move us/ motivate us and we will produce that which is meant to come. The universe will provide all we need to get the thing done. When inspiration goes, it goes, it is gone...until it returns. The point is..well, bc of my ADHD I the point has escaped me already...but I think you catch my

Chari said...

just do it homie!

You know I am going through this myself at the moment.

Decide if you want to be the person who watches the world go by, or do you want to be an active part of that world and get to writing! ;) Peaces!

James Tubman said...

@mama mu... sorry i like to nickname everybody

that is my major problem

always focusing on what i want as opposed to sharing my gifts with others

i do have a gift

these formulas and techniques really do work because ive healed myslef of illnesses i had

i need to just do it

sometimes it's hard for me to have motivation because im not that turned on by money

and he;lping people is nice but obviously its not a pressing issue

i really just want to be xcomfortable lol (whuich is the worst thing in the world really because if you are just comfortable you arent accomplishing anything)

thanx for making me think mama

always stimulating something

@the opposite of pop...

self help books might not help in the long run but they do give you ideas

ive transformed my life in many ways using self help stuff

but of course reading a book only isnt going to do it

you have to do what you read about and look at others do

modeling is the best way to learn

thanx for stopping by honey bunny :)

@kc and the school band...

im so corny lol

you got adhd too

you need to buy my program lol

you ran up 5 dollars

no you didnt

i once ran up 250 dollars on my bill because i had left like 20 items out for months

i win lol

but yeah i guess thats the issue

how do you stimulate that motiation anytime you want to

i am going to find out this answer myself

and when i do ill post it

thank you for your lovely comment kc

diont be a stranger

@mystery... i know

hopefully you'll get over it soon

i pray things are cool with you

thanx for the advice too

that is really the simplest way to go

Product Junkie Diva said... you have no idea I am going through a bit of the same thing now. I am checking out blogs (and even though I love your blog) I need to be doing work!!!!
WHen you figure something out..let me
OK here is a tip think of what you can do with that money you will make once you get those ads out.
MOTIVATION. Or start early in the morning as soon as you get your juices flowing.

Buttercup said...

Aww im glad bout what u r plannin to do..the fact that u wanna do an important deed n that u r tryna make a difference shud be enough motivation to get ur ass up, dont u think?

*cheerleader mode on* GO TUBMAN, GOOOOOOOO!!!!!

*does various cartwheels n flips*

Buttercup said...

Aww im glad bout what u r plannin to do..the fact that u wanna do an important deed n that u r tryna make a difference shud be enough motivation to get ur ass up, dont u think?

*cheerleader mode on* GO TUBMAN, GOOOOOOOO!!!!!

*does various cartwheels n flips*

lulu said...

i am like that! i took 4 yrs doing my thesis paper... now i dont know what you can do, but... what i do is do something fun on the side, try not to be toooooooooo hard on myself condemn myself coz i will procrastinate more, make up your mind to do it with someone for a start and when you do, you wont stop. then take a break , breathe relax, do something fun and...basically you need someone to push you and remind you why you got to finish fast... the money!

One Man’s Opinion said...

Like the Nike ad reads, "Just Do It" and then write a book on "How to Beat Procrastination".

~S said...

Everyone has given you such good suggestions. I am very interested in reading it!!! Please finish~~

the antipop said...

where have you gone to? still working on that manual then?