Sunday, May 31, 2009
What would you do illegally if you knew nothing could happen to you?
That may be a messed up question but this is the way im feeling right now.
I just felt like posting this question because somebody got me so upset that i actually contemplating seriously hurting someone.
I calmed down after a few minutes but if i had a gun, and i knew nothing would happen if i did something lol (i guess that's nothing to laugh about).
I sound like a cereal killer.
That's freaky.
Im the kind of person that represses a lot.
If something bothers me i dont think its right to burden people with my attitude.
So i often suffer in silence.
But the good thing is im learning how to deal with my anger so it doesnt matter how mad i might get i calm down after a minute.
But im also the kind of person that can get as mad as i got about the issue before, no matter how long the incident was ago.
I still think about little things from my childhood that piss me off sometimes.
I dont know that's just dumb.
But anyway, im curious to know what would YOU do if you knew you could get away with it?
Sometimes i wish iwas invisible and my body didnt leave any finger prints so i could go around town robbing banks lol.
I really need some mental help.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Malcolm x: the man, the myth and the race traitor
Provocative title isnt it.
I love malcolm x because he truly made white supremacy simple to understand.
I mean if you look at his youtube videos you will see that he explained an intricate social system so simply that a child could understand it.
He was fearless in his delivery and he didnt hesitate to tell the truth regardless of where it landed him.
He connected not only with national black leaders but with international afrikan leaders (particularly when he took a tour of major afrikan nations).
He had an international message that was directed at creating a pan afrikan political social economic system.
He rose from crime (drug dealing, stealing, burglarizing houses, drinking and druging) went to jail, learned the wisdom of the nation of islam through the teachings of the honorable elijah muhammad, and he turned his life around and a few years out of prison was lecturing at places like harvard, yale and oxford.
He was completely commited to the struggle.
Never cheated on his wife, never picked up drugs or alcohol after he heard muhammad teachings.
So with all these accolaids underneath his belt, why would i ever stoop so low in calling him a race traitor?
Because i believe he let his ego get too out of hand.
See malcolm x was a taurus.
And if there is one thing about a taurus i know is that they love love love attention (almost as much as a leo).
Another thing i know is if you cross them thats your ass.
They will get you back even if it requires hurting you, many close people around them and themselves.
He found out that a man who he thought of as a father, the honorable elijah muhamad, was sleeping with all of these different women, having children by them and not taking care of them so he told the news media of this man's improprieties, damaging the image of the nation to the world.
I call him a race traitor because he didnt care about the fact that this man basically took care of him from the moment he left the prison.
If it wasnt for muhammad, x would have never found knowledge of self and found out who the enemy was.
He wouldnt have met his wife and had his four kids.
He would have never been lecturing at harvard and yale.
The only reason you had a second chance at life is because this man took you under his wing and you basically spit in his face.
Im not saying muhammad wasnt wrong for siring children that he wasnt taking care of but x didnt look at the bigger picture.
Muhammad was providing employment for thousands of black men and women.
He was turning thousands of mens lives around who were in prison and making them whole again.
Because of this mans influence black people were starting to wake up and break themselves from the destructive forces of white supremacy.
And malcolm didnt think about all of these things before he put muhammads dirty laundry out.
People say the men who killed malcolm were in the fbi, the new york police or whatever.
X's life is a reminder to me that you have to fully consider the ramifications of your actions.
Now he tried to appoligize to muhammad right before he got killed, but the fbi and police infiltraitors in the group prevented the appology letters from getting to muhammad.
We have to analyze malcolm x's life and get the meat of the lessons the shining star taught us.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Porn completely kills any chance of you having a normal relationship
Porn hurts you in the long run
It's really bad for you for a number of reasons
I saw this canadian documenatry the other day that blew me away called "not a love story."
I never knew how damaging the images of porn are not only to women but to men as well.
Men who consume massive amounts of hardcore porn have so many problems in the bedroom.
Some arent able to climax without ejaculating on a woman's face or in her mouth.
Some men keep going deeper and deeper into the hardcore bin until they want to see women tortured and hurt (like in these snuff movies that are out).
Some men only think of women as sexual objects and cant possibly see women as full fledged human beings.
The massive influx of porn has also been used for political reasons from its inception.
Under Hitler Germany, before they invaded Poland they flooded the country with pornography because it bifurcated the population from each other.
What do i mean?
While the polish men were in their rooms, getting their thing off, they wernt prepared for the invasion that was about to happen.
It seperates the population from each other so they wont stand up and unite themselves against their enemies (this is the main reason why hardcore porn has run amuck in the states).
This stuff is killing people.
It is literally turning unsuspecting, innocent men and children into satanic monsters everyday.
It is killing the humanity of men everyday.
And since women follow anything a man says follow to please the man, they often emulate the self degrading activities that are so pervasive in porn.
Many of these acts are degrading, perverse and down right disgusting.
I think most men who buy and consume porn have been emasculated by this society and of course in porn women are completely subordinate to men.
So they can act out their secret fantasies of dominating women whenever they consume these images.
Its a mess.
What are we going to do to turn this society around?
Everything about this society is so dehumanizing.
It totally strips us of any endearing human qualities.
From the violence that is pervasive on televison and in movies.
To the dangerous images that are ubiquitous in music videos and porn.
We really need to collectively appologive to our children for all that we've done to them.
We have robbed them of their innocence before they are even born.
We need to ask ourselves, "what kind of human being am i really?"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nobody gives a shit about a black man and it is enough to make you cry
Black men in the states and black men im sure all over the world have it bad because everybody wishes they could be us and they are jealous of our natural God given talents.
We have in the united states a prison system that is designed to incarcerate the fuck out of black males for petty petty petty bullshit (im sorry about the profanity).
I just found out that there are about 1.5 million black men who are being processed through the criminal justice every single year.
And you know what i just found out, roughly half of the black men are being processed not for assult charges, not for rape, not for murder or robbery or any other big time crime.
Get this shit right here.
They are being processed detained and given sentences, having their right systematically taken away (and their jobs taken away) because of petty majijuana possessions.
You get that.
1.5 million black men are processed through the jails of this country every year and half 750,000 black men are detained in jail (the worst place in the world) for marijuana possesions.
And yet people actually think this is the greatest country on earth.
Not for a black man it isnt
About 60% or more of all black men living grew up without their fathers living with them.
We are most likely to be profiled (have a car puled over for routine checks by the police).
All whites and others are scared of us.
If they see 3 black men walking down the street, they could have suits on and people will still be scared.
In the media we are constantly portrayed as thugs and criminals.
The first story on the 6oclock news almost every night is a brother killin another brother.
Now black women outnumber black men in actual employment numbers.
There are over 900,000 black men in the job market then there are black men.
Therer are over 1 million men in jail (more men in jail then there are in college).
There is a 50% unemployment rate amongst black men around this country (this means 1 out of 2 black men who are looking for a job will not get the job because of employer bias).
And for the ones who get the job they have routinely degrade themselves and give up their dignity to a white employer in order to break the evil stereotypes about black men that are constantly portrayed in the media.
And now the whole public school system of this nation is trying to label every black male in the schools special ed (because they dont understand them or their culture).
And now again the white devils who own the prisons all over this nation (and who get paid by the state for every convict they bring in) are now looking for places to put their jails based on the amount of black males who are labeled special ed.
They are doing this because the malse who are labeled special ed in the schools are more likely to go jail then other males.
So if they study how many males are being slapped with the label special ed while they are young they can basically track how many convicts they will have to fill their prisons ahead of time.
Its like a farmer planting a seed knowing that when that seed grows they can harvest that crop.
If that doesnt tell you how bad it is for a black man in america i dont know what will.
And they have to walk around with that stigma of special ed all the time.
People degrading them and humiliating them (of the 5 million children who are labeled special ed in the schools over 80% are males)
And the schools get grant money from the state and the government the more children they label mentally disabled.
it's ashame.
but these problems are not going to last for long.
We will reclaim our communities as a people.
We will save our brothrs and our children.
We will self sufficient in this new world because we have the money and power to do it.
All it takes is courage and imagination.
Will you join me in the fight?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
This Swine Flu Scare Is Swine Shit
Here in the united states the local and national media are scaring the hell out of people telling them all about how this mysterious swine flu virus is sweeping over the country infecting people at a high rate.
Im glad the local news hasnt been starting off with the average story, a brother shooting another brother, but this is not an acceptable alternative.
They showed pictures of kids on college campuses with the dust masks on their faces.
They showed a local catholic church where now they cant even shake hands because of the fear of spreading the virus.
So now all they do is bow to each other.
That is retarted im sorry, and besides that is not going to prevent you from getting the disease anyway if your immune system isn’t in tip top form.
Diseases, toxins, bacteria, viruses are constantly flowing through the air and we are constantly suceptable to them.
Right now the airborne form of aids, herpes, ebola (maybe not ebola) and guess what SWINE FLU are now being circulated through your lungs and body through the air you are breathing right now.
The only reason these external pathogens don’t start munching on your T cells and breaking down your immune system is because you don’t have enough in your body or it hasn’t been triggered through other high risk experiences.
That’s getting a little off the subject but I am an herbalist and sometimes I have to impart good information.
Anyway I don’t know where this mysterious virus came from and I really don’t care because we are going to encounter a so called killer virus throughout our life e it us or family so I might as well give you the cure to all viruses big and small.
Its plague tonic.
I learned this formula from the Master Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze who has healed literally thousands of people of life threatening diseases with his prescriptions.
I have a batch of this tonic at my house and I will tell you one thing I know for certain.
If you have a cold or a minor flu, you will be cured of this illness within at least an hour if you take 20 to 40 small spoonfuls of this formula.
If you take 20 to 40 spoonfuls a day for the rest of your life you will never be sick, and if by chance you do get sick it will only be temporary.
Always know that there is a solution to every problem that you have in life.
You don’t have to accept inferior conditions.
Within that big beautiful brain that god gave you lies the answer to every question ever known to man.
Don’t be scared by this garbage and the media scaring people to death with this propaganda.
Think for yourself for god’s sakes.
Now go out there and make this stuff.
I just realize I didn’t tell you how to make it.
You have no idea how fortunate you are.
Cayenne Peppers (the hottest you can find)
Horseradish Root (this is not as hard to get as it might seem)
and top all of it off with some Apple Cider Vinnegar
put all of the contents in a blender until it’s chunky
take it out put in a glass jar and it will last forever (the vinegar purifies it)
there you have it
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