Sunday, May 3, 2009

This Swine Flu Scare Is Swine Shit

Here in the united states the local and national media are scaring the hell out of people telling them all about how this mysterious swine flu virus is sweeping over the country infecting people at a high rate.

Im glad the local news hasnt been starting off with the average story, a brother shooting another brother, but this is not an acceptable alternative.

They showed pictures of kids on college campuses with the dust masks on their faces.

They showed a local catholic church where now they cant even shake hands because of the fear of spreading the virus.

So now all they do is bow to each other.

That is retarted im sorry, and besides that is not going to prevent you from getting the disease anyway if your immune system isn’t in tip top form.

Diseases, toxins, bacteria, viruses are constantly flowing through the air and we are constantly suceptable to them.

Right now the airborne form of aids, herpes, ebola (maybe not ebola) and guess what SWINE FLU are now being circulated through your lungs and body through the air you are breathing right now.

The only reason these external pathogens don’t start munching on your T cells and breaking down your immune system is because you don’t have enough in your body or it hasn’t been triggered through other high risk experiences.

That’s getting a little off the subject but I am an herbalist and sometimes I have to impart good information.

Anyway I don’t know where this mysterious virus came from and I really don’t care because we are going to encounter a so called killer virus throughout our life e it us or family so I might as well give you the cure to all viruses big and small.

Its plague tonic.

I learned this formula from the Master Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze who has healed literally thousands of people of life threatening diseases with his prescriptions.

I have a batch of this tonic at my house and I will tell you one thing I know for certain.

If you have a cold or a minor flu, you will be cured of this illness within at least an hour if you take 20 to 40 small spoonfuls of this formula.

If you take 20 to 40 spoonfuls a day for the rest of your life you will never be sick, and if by chance you do get sick it will only be temporary.

Always know that there is a solution to every problem that you have in life.

You don’t have to accept inferior conditions.

Within that big beautiful brain that god gave you lies the answer to every question ever known to man.

Don’t be scared by this garbage and the media scaring people to death with this propaganda.

Think for yourself for god’s sakes.

Now go out there and make this stuff.

I just realize I didn’t tell you how to make it.

You have no idea how fortunate you are.




Cayenne Peppers (the hottest you can find)


Horseradish Root (this is not as hard to get as it might seem)

and top all of it off with some Apple Cider Vinnegar

put all of the contents in a blender until it’s chunky

take it out put in a glass jar and it will last forever (the vinegar purifies it)

there you have it


eizzy.k said...

Yeah, the whole swine flu thing is highly sensationalized!

James Tubman said...

eizzy... they make it seem like its an international pandemic that is going to destroy the world

its an easy thing to fix

im going to post a specific cure for the swine flu that a friend e-mailed me

hey uber... thank you

dont be a stranger