Thursday, April 17, 2008

Who is the celebrity, athlete, musician, actor, politician, activist, scholar you look up to the most?

We can tell a lot about ourselves based on the people we look up to. My favorite guy of all time is a man that many of you have never even heard of.


Within the last 5 years of my life no other human being on earth has had more of a profound influence on my thinking than Dr. Amos Wilson. An afrocentric psychologists who analyzes european racism and how it still affects us today. He basically postulates that the problems that we have today in education, in our relationships, in the slums of the inner city, in the criminal justice system are due in part to racism and in part to the economic changes that are going on in the world with the rise of the asian world.

He believes that Afrikans from all over the continent are the same and should have the same goals in mind because the same plan the powers that be have for afrikan americans is the same plan they have for afrikans all over the world.

I won't go on and on about him. He has written lectures about everything under the sun from what real Afrikan manhood is, to understanding black male/female relationships in america.

He is one of the greatest Pan-Afrikanists the world ever produced and he wrote the masterpiece

an 856 page description on how we can attain educational, political and economic power in the world (and after a year and a half I read every single one of those pages).

here's a sample of his work (I want the guys to look at this)

disclaimer: WARNING views are extreeeeeeemly controversial. View at your own risk of WAKING UP!

Extreemly controversial isn't it.
But anyway, let me know who your favorite is. I don't want you to be influeced by this at all lol (impossible).
Just please, do your best!


The Jaded NYer said...

For me it's Ani DiFranco... she is a true artist who made her own way in the music business without some huge corporation owning her soul or the rights to her art!

Before I'd been introduced to her I would've said Prince, but you know what? Men get more breaks than women, so I gotta support my sister from another mother- she has her own label (Righteous Babe Records), puts out something like an album a year and stays touring- non-stop!

She writes her own stuff, plays her own instruments and is also a social activist (as evident by her lyrics).

Ani is definitely an example to me on how I need to present myself and protect my art as a woman in this crazy, capitalist society.

Freedom In Christ said...

Mine I have to say is Jesus. I know sounds like a cliche lol. Regardless of what color folks want to put on him. HE TAUGHT the essence of LOVE and how one should LOVE. His teachings are remarkable!

Desy said...

My father... His thinking amazes me everyday, and he was the first to teach me about race relations. No matter how profound other speakers have been... he still carries wisdom that astounds me, and I LIVE with the

James Tubman said...

@jadded... thanx for introducing me to her

never heard of her but i will do more research

sounds like the kind of artist i would be into

it also shows that you have some deepness beyoned that jadded title lol

thank you

@freedom... you probably arent the only one for this one lol

even if you aren't a christian you can get something from his life

i admire the fact that he didn't hesitate to die for his beliefs

he is a true example of someone who truly knew their worth

@desy lou... you are so lucky lol

someone to keep you grounded when the televison tries to colonize your mind

you are sooooooooooo lucky

you have no idea

Don said...

i've never heard of amos wilson and i am unable to watch the video now. but i take it that since you look up to him, he's an interesting human being. i am sure of that.

i can't really say that i look up to these two well-known people but they influenced my life moreso than any other person you are familiar with - muhammad ali & tupac shakur.

the one i absolutely adored? my dad's mom.

my heart? my two daughters.

CHA CHA said...

Ima say Beyonce...the girl has talent and drive out of this world...her and Jay Z those two are beast with it

James Tubman said...

@the don dada... he's probably the greatest intellectual we've never heard about

i was introduced to him in 2003 when i was apart of a black power organization in baltimore

i walked in one of the black bookstores and asked for info on afrocentric psychologists

the guy all of a sudden got very excited and told me about amos wilson

he gave me a tape for free

i took it home and fell asleep on it lol

but when i kept listening i said this dude is incredibly smart and i sought out more info from him

his views are very controversial but he is somebody that black men in particular should listen to

he has a bunch of stuff on youtube

check him out

@pocachoo... i think that beyonce's songs like i'm gone and independent women do encourage women to show more self respect and pride in themselves

and i think that beyonce has some self love and self pride she still needs to gain

neverthelesss i think her influence is much a positve one overall

Nicole said...

Don't know if I really look up to one in particular, but I would say Jill Scott: talented, strong, courageous, beautiful, and not trying to be anybody but Jill...also writes from the heart and without concern for sales.

I admire anyone who follows his/her passions in a way that's healthy for them, others, and the world and anyone who gets to a point in life where they aren't trying to be anyone but themselves.

Don said...

@ tubs: definitely plan on reading up on him and hittin' up youtube this weekend, concerning him. thanks. you know your ish so i know this will be good.

James Tubman said...

@nicole... i agree with you

i think that anybody can be a model for you if they are relentlessly pursuing their goals in life

it's what we all would like to do

it's amazing the kind of responses that people gave

thanx hunny

@de don...

he might be a little too extreeme so i suggest starting with "military science"

just type that in and it will take you to amos wilson and attorney alton maddox

you are a deep thinker so i believe you'll get something out of it

who? said...

I have no favorite, because I feel like, no matter what you see on the outside, there's something negative on the inside that would likely not sit well with you. I do respect the teachings of guys like Malcom X and some of King's stuff... but if I had to choose a favorite... I'd have to say... nope, still can't think of one

James Tubman said...

@fire the canons...

lol at that comment

that's funny i thought you were getting ready to say it but you took it back

there are so many influences on our lives that it's hard to label it down to just ine sometimes

thanx for ou comment homie