Saturday, September 12, 2009

New York is definately different!

This city is so fast pace.

Everybody is always rushing to go nowhere.

I have never seen so many people in one area in my whole entire life.

I have to admit it i love it though.

Nobody cares and i do love it.

People dont say hello.

Everybody's always in a rush.

Most New Yorkians are real assholes but i dont care.

I love it!

Im at a shelter now trying to figure out how im going to make a living.

You say "damn a shelter" but you would be surprised to find out who's in one.

There is a guy with a PHD here.

There are many people who have college degrees here.

They were professionals for many years and just got fired on a whim and wound up here.

These are really trying times for some unfortunately.

I dont have that many minutes left on the internet here.

Ill let you know some of the things ive been doing here next time.


Lyrically speaking said...

you have a very intriguing blog,I'm enjoying the posts here,keep on writing your little heart out...i'm a New Yorker living in AZ so I can relate

Strongblkwmn said...

I love living in NY. I always feel like the pace is too slow when I go anywhere else. I really do think it's true that you can make it anywhere if you make it here. I hope your experience here is a positive one. I give you much respect for going for what you want.