This was a very emotional movie.
I experienced so many different feelings throughout my viewing that i was almost exhasted after it was over.
The movie was about a fictional character named nathan algren who went all around the world helping the united states military invade and conquer different societies (indian nations, asian nations etc.)
In the begining they showed flashbacks of when he and other soldiers shot innocent men, women and children unmercilessly in the back to clear the land for white corporate interest.
I lost it after i saw that emotionally because i couldnt help but think about how our ancestors in afrika were ruthlessly killed by these europeans.
They didnt stand a chance.
The european already had a lot of training conquering different indigenous territories and he knew that wouldnt be able to outlast the military strategy and advanced weaponry that the european had in store for them.
They murdered countless hundreds and thousands of victims slaughtering them as if they were animals.
Cecil Rhodes (a belgian debtor) with his army for the belgian government took over the territory of what is now zambia and zimbabwe.
There were about 30 million people in this area when he got there.
Only a few years later there were only 10 million natives left (and this history is well documented and solid).
Not to mention the wholesale enslavement of our people by the millions.
Never ever ever ever forget the murder and death our people encountered at the hands of these people.
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